Why Should You Not Taken An Antibiotic On Your Own
What is an Antibiotic? A simple course of an Antibiotic to a child gets rid of good bacteria from the gut - these may take up to 6 months to be replenished. We are increasingly concerned about that. Most upper respiratory tract infections are viral in origin - an antibiotic is not required Once started an Antibiotic must be taken in the correct dosage and for the proper duration - do not stop because you are feeling better on the second day. There are very few newer antibiotic molecules in the pipeline - we have to depend on what we have. Undigested antibiotics are passed on in the stools - we do not know the effect these have on the environment. Antibiotic usage can sometimes cause life-threatening side effects, including anaphylactic reaction. Why you should not start one on your own ANTIBIOTIC ANTI - Against BIOS - Life ANTIBIOTIC = Against Life In its most common use, and Antibiotic is a medicine that destroys or slows down the multi...