
Showing posts from February, 2020

Why Should You Not Taken An Antibiotic On Your Own

What is an Antibiotic? A simple course of an Antibiotic to a child gets rid of good bacteria from the gut - these may take up to 6 months to be replenished. We are increasingly concerned about that. Most upper respiratory tract infections are viral in origin - an antibiotic is not required  Once started an Antibiotic must be taken in the correct dosage and for the proper duration - do not stop because you are feeling better on the second day. There are very few newer antibiotic molecules in the pipeline - we have to depend on what we have. Undigested antibiotics are passed on in the stools - we do not know the effect these have on the environment. Antibiotic usage can sometimes cause life-threatening side effects, including anaphylactic reaction. Why you should not start one on your own ANTIBIOTIC ANTI - Against BIOS - Life ANTIBIOTIC = Against Life In its most common use,   and Antibiotic is a medicine that destroys or slows down the multi...

Important Tips for Communication With Hearing Impaired People Hearing Impaired persons have special requirements which optimize their communication experience.

There are three main types of  hearing loss : 1.  Conductive Deafness  - This is on account of disease/ discontinuity in the External and Middle ear - from the Pinna to the entrance to the Inner Ear. 2.  Sensorineural Deafness  - These are related to problems in the Inner Ear ( Cochlea- Sensory) or the Acoustic Nerve (Auditory Nerve - Neural).  3.  Mixed Deafness  - Arises out of a combination of both of the above.  A patient of Conductive Deafness can be treated with medicines, simple procedures (like wax removal) or surgery (like the repair of the eardrum). The hearing loss is not complex and a simple amplification will make them hear better. A patient with a Sensorineural Deafness has a more complex hearing requirement.  In the Sensory type of deafness, there is a phenomenon of Recruitment- that is, initial sounds are heard less, but as the amplitude increases the ear 'recruits' and more and more of the...

Latest Ear Wax Removing Technique

Earwax is a yellowish waxy material which is inside the ear. It comes from sebaceous glands that are located in the ear canal. It is also called Cerumen. Wax has a protective function. For More Information Please visit our blog:- ENT DOCTOR If you are looking for removal of Wax by the latest technique kindly visit our Centre: Address - D 3/14, Vasant Vihar, Lane opposite, Vasant Vihar Club, Opp Shri Ram School New Delhi, Delhi 110057. For an appointment - Please call at +919871150032.

Septoplasty Information By Dr Rajesh Bhardwaj ENT Specialist Delhi

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to fix a deviated septum. Septoplasty straightens the septum, providing for better airflow through your nose.   If you are looking for a Sr. ENT Specialist then please visit our Centre. Address - D 3/14, Vasant Vihar, Lane opposite, Vasant Vihar Club, Opp Shri Ram School New Delhi, Delhi 110057. For an appointment - Please call at  +919871150032.

कान में दर्द

कान में दर्द किसी चोट, सूजन या संक्रमण के कारण हो सकता है। कान दर्द का सबसे आम कारण है । कान का संक्रमण जैसे ओटिटिस मीडिया मध्य कान का एक संक्रमण है, जबकि ओटिटिस एक्सटर्ना कान नहर का एक संक्रमण है। यदि आप सीनियर ईएनटी विशेषज्ञ की तलाश कर रहे हैं तो कृपया हमारे केंद्र पर जाएं। पता - D 3/14, वसंत विहार, लेन विपरीत, वसंत विहार क्लब, ऑप श्री राम स्कूल, नई दिल्ली, दिल्ली 110057। नियुक्ति के लिए - कृपया +919871150032 पर कॉल करें।

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is generated by difficulties in the ear canal, eardrum or middle ear, which is referred to as conductive hearing loss. Hearing loss occurs because of damage in the cochlea or auditory nerve inside the ear. If you are looking for a Sr. ENT Specialist then please visit our Centre. Address - D 3/14, Vasant Vihar, Lane opposite, Vasant Vihar Club, Opp Shri Ram School, New Delhi, Delhi 110057. For an appointment - Please call at +919871150032.

Enlarged Adenoids

Enlarged adenoids are common in children. The adenoids can become enlarged due to an infection or allergy. The adenoids are glands that sit behind the nose above the roof of the mouth. When they grow large, they can cause snoring and breathing problems. They also press upon the Eustachian Tube and cause middle ear problems. For more information please visit our blog ENT Doctor If you are looking for a Sr. ENT Specialist then please visit our Centre. Address - D 3/14, Vasant Vihar, Lane opposite, Vasant Vihar Club, Opp Shri Ram School, New Delhi, Delhi 110057. For an appointment - Please call at +919871150032.

Taking an Antibiotic without a prescription is Dangerous!

A ntibiotics   are needed to treat bacterial infections. However, their usage carries the risk of many side effects, including some very serious consequences like an Anaphylactic Reaction. Indiscriminate use of Antibiotics is also causing a scary global scenario of Antibiotic Resistance. DO NOT START AN ANTIBIOTIC ON YOUR OWN - Seek a Medical Opinion first.  If you are looking for a Sr. ENT Specialist then please visit our Centre. Address  - D 3/14, Vasant Vihar, Lane opposite, Vasant Vihar Club, Opp Shri Ram School, New Delhi, Delhi 110057. For an appointment - Please call at +919871150032.