Common Causes & Remedies For Dry Cough
This article is about Dry Cough - that common cough which can come at any time, can cause immense distress during the day to you as well as people around you, and sometimes keep you awake at nights! What are the common causes? POST NASAL DRIP - Nasal allergies, nasal infections, enlarged adenoids are some of the commonest causes of a post nasal drip- there are constant irritating secretions from the nose and nasopharynx which causes cobblestoning of the throat mucosa leading to constant irritation in the throat and a cough. GASTRO OESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISORDER (GERD)/ LPR - Though GERD and LPR (Laryngol Pharyngeal Reflux) are slightly different disorders, it is now well understood that acidity and reflux are a common cause of chronic dry cough. These patients normally have a cough that is worse on lying down. They will typically complain of a choked and dry throat on waking up in the morning. ASTHMA - As yet undiagnosed Asthma can cause a dry cough. Th...