
Showing posts from June, 2020

Are Air Purifiers Necessary?

THE AIR WE BREATHE •Molecules in the air include primarily nitrogen and oxygen as well as water, carbon dioxide, ozone, and many other compounds in trace amounts - some of these are naturally occurring while  others the result of human activity. •In addition to gases, the atmosphere contains extras such as smoke, dust, acid droplets, and pollen. •The composition of the atmosphere changes constantly and depends on the season, weather, time of day etc. WHAT CAUSES  AIR POLLUTION ? Most of the air pollution results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and petrol/ diesel to produce electricity and power our vehicles.  Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a good indicator of how much fossil fuel is burned and how much of other pollutants are emitted as a result. AIR POLLUTANTS  are of three types •Gases •Particulate Matter Bacteria and Viruses  COMMON AIR POLLUTANTS  ARE •Carbon Monoxide •Ground Level Ozone •Lead •Nitrogen Dioxide •Particulate Ma...

The Importance of the Asymptomatic Patient - Corona Virus

There has been tremendous controversy recently about the "Asymptomatic Patient" - who are they and can they spread Corona virus infection? To understand the terminology in its context, let us look at three different but closely related situations -  1.  The Mildly Symptomatic Patient - This patient of confirmed Covid-19 has mild symptoms like fever, occasional cough or mild breathlessness. They gradually recover without any specialized treatment.  2.  The Pre-Symptomatic Patient -  These patients have been recently infected, have currently no symptoms, but will gradually develop them. They can transmit infection during this incubation period. This is usually about a week from contracting the infection, but could be up to two weeks. 3.  The Asymptomatic Patient  - This is a confirmed case of Covid-19 who never develops any symptom. What makes this disease pursue a relentless and fatal path in some patients and leaves many practically untouched is still ...

How Would You Like to Be Treated?

It is a truism that Doctors read a lot - from before they become doctors - they cram for admission tests, to their time in Medical College and then all their lives - they read throughout their lives. The latter part of their reading is to brush up on old knowledge as well as to pick up on the latest advances.  In a long career spanning many decades it is impossible to imagine that the practice of Medicine would have remained the same- so Doctors need to keep abreast with the changes. In the early days it was enough for doctors to rely upon their knowledge and experience - and that is why patients preferred Doctors with grey/ white hair - since it implied age and wisdom arising out of experience.  And now look at this chart -  Evidence Based Medicine - Courtesy Pinterest As we notice here that Doctor's personal Opinions and Ideas are placed at the Bottom of the Pyramid - it would be incorrect on the doctor's part to rely solely on his experience or g...

Treating Secretory Otitis Media in Children

Secretory Otitis Media - also called Otitis Media with Effusion, sometimes referred to as Glue Ear is a very common ear condition in children in which there is sterile collection of fluid in the middle ear of the child. The collection of fluid dampens the movement of the ear drum leading to sensation of ear blockage and loss of hearing. There are usually two peaks in a child's life- at 2 years and then at 5 years of age. Secretory Otitis Media (SOM) must be distinguished from Acute Otitis Media (AOM, ASOM) which is usually an infective condition and there is accompanying ear pain, or Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) in which there is usually an accompanying ear discharge. What Causes SOM? The occurrence of SOM in very small children is linked to their poor/ immature immune status. A breastfed infant normally loses maternal antibodies by 18 months of age. At the age of 2 years the child is exposed to the outside environment and other children for the first time - ...

Deviated Nasal Septum - What Should I Do?

DNS or Deviated Nasal Septum is a common medical problem and affects children and adults alike. The Septum (Septum - a partition separating two chambers) is the mid line structure in the nose which divides the nose into the left and right nostril. Though meant to be straight and in the mid line, the Septum quite often deviates to one direction or the other. Picture Courtesy Causes of DNS - Congenital - A child may be born with a Deviated Septum - this could be due to pressure on the very malleable septum of the Foetus while in the mother's womb, or may sometimes may be related to birth trauma. - Post Traumatic - As the child grows there are frequent minor accidents to the Nose which could cause the Septum to deviate. This may also happen on account of sports injuries later in life like Cricket or Boxing. Other accidents including Road traffic accidents can cause the Septum to become crooked. - Secondary - A long standing Tumour/ Polyps/ Concha ...

Why Should You Not Taken an Antibiotic on Your Own

What is an Antibiotic? ANTIBIOTIC ANTI - Against BIOS - Life ANTIBIOTIC = Against Life In its most common use,  an Antibiotic is a medicine that destroys or slows down the multiplication or growth of a Bacteria. How do Antibiotics work ? Antibiotics work by either destroying the cell wall of the bacteria, or interfering with it's growth/ multiplication or by preventing protein formation. Based on their action Antibiotics are either Bactericidal (Kill Bacteria) or Bacteriostatic (Slow down the multiplication of the bacteria so that the body's own defense mechanism can then kill the bacteria). Though Sir Alexander Fleming is credited with having created the first Antibiotic- Penicillin - in 1928, as a class of drugs they were available before this also. In 1909, a highly toxic drug called ' Salvarsan' was used to treat Syphilis. The Sulphonamides were discovered in the 1920s and Prontosil was used to treat infections caused by Streptococcus and Stap...

Important Tips for Communication With Hearing Impaired People

Hearing Impaired persons have special requirements which optimizes their communication experience. There are three main types of  hearing loss : 1.  Conductive Deafness  - This is on account of disease/ discontinuity in the External and Middle ear - from the Pinna to the entrance to the Inner Ear 2.  Sensorineural Deafness  - These are related to problems in the Inner Ear ( Cochlea- Sensory) or the Acoustic Nerve (Auditory Nerve - Neural).  3.  Mixed Deafness  - Arises out of a combination of both of the above.  A patient of Conductive Deafness can be treated with medicines, simple procedures (like wax removal) or a surgery (like repair of the eardrum). The hearing loss is not complex and a simple amplification will make them hear better. A patient with a Sensorineural Deafness has a more complex hearing requirement.  In the Sensory type of deafness, there is a phenomenon of Recruitment- that is, initial soun...

Covid Positive Patient in Apartment Blocks- What to Do?

Many of us live in Apartment Blocks and as the Corona virus continues to ravage our country we are rightfully concerned about the spread in our homes, specially if someone in the vicinity is diagnosed as positive. There are some facts to consider and some steps to take. For Management Be careful, not paranoid. Avoid instilling unnecessary fear among residents. Take precautions -  STAFF All guards and staff to wear  Masks  at all times - discard masks after duty if 3-ply, wash with warm water and dry in the sun if double/ triple layered cloth mask Guards to wear  Face shields  specially when interacting with outsiders, vendors etc - these can be disinfected at end of day and reused the next day Guards to wear  Gloves  which are disposed off once shift is over FACILITY Keep  hand sanitizers  at all convenient locations including Lifts, Block entrances, Floor entrances Encourage hand washing - dedicated wash basins with Soap...

What Is Ppe ?

The highly infectious nature of the Corona virus has everyone scrambling to get PPE.  PPE - Personal Protective Equipment - protects various parts of the body from catching the virus through contact. The concept of PPE is not new, nor is it related specifically to the health care worker. Many industries and workers use PPEs, including defence personnel.  NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical- now NBRC, including Radiological)) warfare scare led the defence forces to prepare a comprehensive PPE. Industrial workers faced with gas leaks or nuclear accidents need to use PPEs. PPEs help to protect various parts of the body from contracting an infection or a gas or radiation. What all needs protection? Eyes -Goggles, Face Shields Face - Face Mask, Face Shields Hands- Gloves - single or double layered depending upon level of exposure Feet - Shoe covers Body- impervious body suit Head Cover/ Hood - for health care workers. Pic courtesy Times of...

Causes of Itchy Ears

We are at that time of the year when most of us will enter the swimming pool to 'beat the heat!' Though swimming is a wonderful full body exercise, it can sometimes cause problems in the ears, a condition called  'Swimmer's Ears' . Due to the constant presence of water in the ears, and sometimes because of swimming in unclean waters of rivers and ponds  etc the ears get infected leading to 'Swimmer's Ears'. CAUSES OF ITCHY EARS Wax accumulation - The presence of wax in the ears, specially when it gets excessive or dry may cause the ears to itch Eczema and other skin problems - It must be understood that though the ear is a separate organ by itself the skin on the outside portion of the ear and ear canal is the same as skin elsewhere - so skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis can affect the ears as well Dandruff - dandruff from the scalp can enter the ear canal and cause intense itching - it needs to be treated aggressively Use of ...

The Basics of a Hearing Aid

A Hearing Aid is a device that amplifies sound and transmits it into your ears. PARTS OF A HEARING AID A traditional Hearing Aid will have the following components: Microphone - this picks up sound around you Amplifier - this makes the sound louder for you. Receiver - sends sound into your ear. The sound is louder TYPES OF HEARING AID  Depending upon the type and degree of  hearing loss , patient profile, ear anatomy, etc different types of hearing aids are prescribed. These commonly are: ITE - In The Ear - These are discreet and though visible they fit into the ear canal. Though preferred by patients on account of the fact they are practically invisible, the truth is that these hearing aids can only be offered to patients with a mild or moderate hearing loss. Unfortunately, by the time patients decide to use hearing aids their hearing loss is usually in the severe category and these hearing aids may not be adequate. RIC - Receiver In canal - This open fit...

Fish Bone in the Throat ?

One common emergency that ENT Surgeons are called upon to see is a fishbone stuck in the throat. A mishap of this kind is usually followed by an immediate sharp pain in the throat corresponding to the area in which the fishbone is lodged.  There may also be coughing, difficulty in swallowing, foreign body sensation in the throat and sometimes some blood-stained oral secretions. Realizing that they have swallowed fishbone patients usually resort to many well-tried home remedies. These are Forceful coughing or attempted vomiting Drinking dilute Vinegar with the hope of breaking down the bone Drinking aerated water/ soda Swallowing a large piece of bread soaked in water with the hope that the weight of the bread will dislodge the bone Swallowing a large morsel of rice or eating a banana Self attempts at removal of the bone - these can sometimes be dangerous and lead to serious trauma in the throat In case home remedies fail kindly visit your nearest ENT Spe...