Home Care For A Patient Of Covid-19!
A large majority of patients who are infected by the Coronavirus are either asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. Most of them are managed at home. This has multiple benefits- you prevent passing on the infection to multiple other persons, you are in the comfort of your house and can enjoy home food, and most important you do not overwhelm hospitals that need beds to treat seriously ill patients. Credible and respected organizations like WHO, CDC, AIIMS have set up and continue to update protocols for home care of a patient diagnosed with Covid-19. Medication 1. Tab Paracetamol SOS for fever or body ache 2. Simple over-the-counter antacid, empty stomach - for acidity 3. Simple antitussive cough syrup/cough suppressant for a simple cough Steam inhalation at night - for productive cough Points to Note- ...