
Showing posts from May, 2021

Covid-19 May Make You Prone to Other Illnesses

  The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19 infection in humans is thought to be primarily a respiratory virus. However, it is seen to affect many other organs besides the lungs. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has a spike protein that attaches itself to ACE-2 receptors in the human body. ACE-2 receptors are plentiful in the human body. They are primarily found in the lungs, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and the gastrointestinal tract. So it is very likely that apart from the lungs any other organ that has the ACE-2 receptors can be infected and damaged by the virus. Though the disease causes mild symptoms in most of the affected individuals, some go on to have long-term side effects from the illness - the 'long haulers.' From patients who have recovered from Covid we are learning of disease sequelae that go much beyond the lungs.  The BMJ (British Medical Journal, April 2021) published a research paper with the following objective-  "To evaluate the excess risk and relativ

2-Dg for Covid - What Is It and How Does It Work?

  The DCGI (Drugs Controller General of India) has recently given approval to a drug 2-DG ( 2–deoxy—D—glucose)  for emergency use as an adjunct therapy in moderate to severe Covid-19 patients. Work on this drug was conducted by INMAS (Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences) and the pharma company Dr Reddy's Labs. What is 2-dg? 2-Deoxy-D- Glucose is a modified glucose molecule, modified in a manner that it cannot undergo Glycolysis (breakdown of glucose molecule to release energy and pyruvate).  It has been in existence since a long time, and initial research on this molecule was conducted as long as sixty years ago. How does it Work? The drug works by concentrating in virus-infected cells.   It is supposed to prevent the multiplication of the virus by stopping the growth of the virus.  It selectively reaches viral affected cells. It reduces the body's need for supplemental oxygen and patients can be weaned off earlier from external oxygen support. They were found to