Why do the Elderly Fall?
Elderly Fall -Most Common Reason • Impaired vision. Cataracts and glaucoma alter depth perception, visual acuity, peripheral vision and susceptibility to glare. ... • Home hazards. Most homes are full of falling hazards. ... • Medication. ... • Weakness, low balance. ... • Chronic conditions. Impaired Vision Age-related eye diseases make it difficult, if not impossible, to detect fall hazards, such as steps, puddles and thresholds. Even if a senior is in top physical condition, failing to see and accurately perceive obstacles or changes in ground level can lead to a nasty tumble. Refusing to follow physician recommendations for treatment, including wearing eyeglasses and using necessary low vision equipment can contribute to falls as well Home Hazards/ environmental factors The majority of falls occur in or around seniors’ homes. Environmental factors, such as...