Covid-19 Is Finally Treatable?

 Good news finally for the entire world.

After being battered medically, socially, economically by the SARS-Cov-2 virus the human world is finally fighting back.

After having produced effective and safe vaccines in an incredibly quick time there have been recent breakthroughs in bringing out new molecules for the treatment of Covid-19.

What are these new drugs and how do they work? How effective are they?


Pfizer - Paxlovid

Pfizer's Paxlovid has cleared phase 2/3 trials and results have been submitted to US FDA for emergency use authorization (EUA).

What is it?

Paxlovid is a combination of two drugs ( an drug Ritonavir -a capsule and an experimental drug PF-07321332 - a pill) . Ritonavir is a sacrificial molecule which is actively metabolized. This will leave the active ingredient PF-07321332 active. This will go to work on the Virus preventing its replication and thus stopping disease progression. 

The mode of action is by Protease Inhibition.

What did the trial show?

The trial was conducted on patients who had Cobvid-19 along with at least one underlying co morbid condition- like Diabetes or Obesity - which made them more prone to developing a severe form of the disease. One group got the actual drug and the control group was given a placebo.

The results showed that there was 89% less chance of developing a severe form of the disease in the group that received the drug.

The advantage of Paxlovid is that it is an oral drug and can be given at home. This prevents the requirement of hospitalization. 

The data is limited to high risk individuals who were unvaccinated.


The Dosage - Paxlovid will be administered in two 150 mg tablets along with one 100 mg tablet of Ritonavir twice daily.

They must be administered within 3-5 days of getting infected.

Best of all Covid-19 patients can take the drug at home at the beginning of the infection. 

Pfizer has also promised to waive off-patent for manufacturing and distribution of this drug in low-income countries under arrangement with the United Nations.

Quote - "These data suggest that our oral antiviral candidate if approved or authorized by regulatory authorities, has the potential to save patients’ lives, reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections, and eliminate up to nine out of ten hospitalizations,” said Albert Bourla, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pfizer

Merck- Molnupiravir

The company found in an interim analysis that the pill reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 50% in adults with mild to moderate Covid.

How does it work?

Molnupiravir works by inhibiting virus replication. It corrupts the genetic code of the virus and prevents it from multiplying. This keeps the virus count low and thus prevents the disease from becoming severe.

Dosage is Four tablets (twice a day) for 5 days, ideally within 5 days of getting the infection.

side effects
side effects

Side Effect potential

Since the molecule acts by mimicking RNA molecules so that the virus may mutate, there is a possibility of similar damage to the human DNA.

Molnupiravir became the first specific  antiviral to get approval. UK has already pre ordered a large supply of the drug.

Some leading Indian pharma companies are collaborating with Merck to start trials in India.

Till now only repurposed drugs like Dexomethasone, Budesonide, Remdesivir, Tocilizumab etc were available for use in Covid-19 infection. These two are the first specific Anti-Virals to be made available.

WHO may assist in providing these life saving drugs @ ten dollars per course. 

The hope is that these new antivirals will allow patients with mild or moderate cases of Covid-19 to be treated earlier, prevent disease progression and prevent excessive hospitalization.

Points to note

- These are not for prophylaxis- they are for patients who test positive for Covid-19.

- They are to be administered to positive patients who show symptoms.

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