Snoring is a common problem in adults and the incidence rises with age after the fourth decade.

Snoring can be a serious problem and causes tremendous social embarrassment. 

Specially for persons who sleep with a companion and for those who travel frequently snoring can cause serious distress on account of the disturbance the sound causes for others.

The Treatment – Radiofrequency Device Plus Partial Uvulectomy

The technique relies on application of a Radiofrequency probe into the soft palate and using its heat to shrink the soft palate. This causes the tissue to toughen up and the soft palate curtain becomes more stiff.

This is sometimes combined with partial reduction of the Uvula – the small tissue that hangs down the centre of the throat – a procedure called Partial Uvulectomy.

Usually two sittings about four weeks apart are required.

This is an Outpatient procedure and is done under Local Anaesthesia. Sometimes sedation may be given.


Various studies have given a very favorable results following this simple procedure.

Though a reversible situation many patients had reduction in their snoring for up to three years after this procedure.

Points to note

  • This is done primarily for Snoring, not for sleep apnoea patients
  • Some patients noticed soreness and stiffness in the throat for 5 – 7 days after the procedure
  • The procedure may need to be repeated after some time if the effects wear off.

Researchers Cheng-Lu Lin, MD, and Jiunn-Liang Wu, MD say that in contrast to obstructive sleep apnea, there is no generally accepted gold standard of treatment for primary snoring. But they say the results of this study should serve as a guide in choosing the effective treatment options for snoring.


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