Ear Infections in children
Children are very prone to ear infections - in fact ear pain is one of the commonest reasons that children are taken for emergency visits. This is mainly due to the developing immune system in children along with an Eustachian Tube that is wide and short, thus causing infections to travel easily from the nose and throat to the ears. There are several steps parents can take to help keep their children safe from ear, nose, and throat problems : Keep vaccinations up to date: Make sure your child receives all recommended vaccinations, such as the flu shot and the pneumococcal vaccine, which can help prevent infections that can lead to ear and sinus infections. Practice good hygiene: Teach your child to wash their hands frequently and avoid touching their face. This can help prevent the spread of germs that can cause infections. Protect your child's ears: Use protective ear plugs while swimming – this prevents water from going into the e...