In Allergen immunotherapy specific, semi purified allergen extracts are introduced into the body , with a view to hyposensitize the patient's allergic reaction.

So that when the sensitizing allergen is subsequently or concomitantly encountered under ‘natural exposure’ conditions the patient’s immune system does not respond and symptoms of allergic rhinitis do not form.


Myth Number 1 – Allergic Rhinitis is a mild disease

In a Europe-wide survey, two-thirds of AR patients reported at least one symptom that is severe enough to interfere with sleep quality, cognitive function, work productivity, school performance, psychosocial well-being or overall quality of life. Poor sleep is a particular problem.

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Myth Number 2 – Allergic Rhinitis remains the same throughout life

Allergies change over time – the first change we may notice is in adolescence when allergies may become less prominent. There is also the ‘Allergy March’ where simple allergic rhinitis may ‘march’ towards asthma. Thirdly allergens can change over time and new disease-causing allergens may be identified as the patient grows older.

Myth number 3 – All patients of Allergic Rhinitis need Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT)

There are specific indications for starting AIT. Patients with mild disease, those suffering from an acute attack of asthma, pregnant ladies should not be offered AIT.

House dust mite and grass pollen allergies show a good response with AIT.

Myth Number 4 – AIT takes a long time before it becomes effective

Though it is true that AIT takes time before the process of hypersensitization happens, the benefits of the therapy are sometimes evident in a matter of a few weeks and months.

Myth Number 5- AIT does not work for polysensitized patients (those with multiple allergens)

The best results of AIT are seen with allergy to House dust mites. Immunotherapy against Grass pollen works less effectively.

Though AIT is best with a single or few allergens it does work against multiple allergens as well.

Myth Number 6 – The effect of Allergen Immunotherapy disappears as soon as it is discontinued

The effects of AIT may last for years, and sometimes forever against the chosen allergens.





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